From destitution and despair to sustainable employment and financial independence Turning migrants' lives around


The Twin Star Project helps impoverished and often homeless migrants with legal status in Europe who have fled war or economic hardship in Africa, Asia or the Middle East transition to employment and a self-sustaining life. The Twin Star Project covers their living costs while helping them find work and achieve financial self-reliance in Europe or their countries of origin.


Contribute to a project that will advance our migrants from destitution to professionally independent, self-sustaining and well-integrated members of society.


Help as many migrants as possible move from destitution and homelessness to full employment, financial independence and social integration, either in Europe or back in their countries of origin.


Housing for unemployed, destitute and homeless migrants in Europe.

A year of rent for 10 migrants households.

Food, clothing and medical care for unemployed migrants in Europe.

A monthly stipend for 10 migrant families.

Language courses and vocational training for unemployed migrants.

Equipping migrants with the linguistic and professional skills to secure a job.

Start-up funding for a grocery store managed by migrants in Italy.

Contribute to start-up funding for migrants to invest in a grocery store that they will manage and develop into a steady source of employment and income for themselves.

House construction for migrants returning to their home countries.

Contribute to helping migrants build a simple home or complete an unfinished structure so they have a place to live and relaunch their lives in their home countries.

Seed capital for greenhouse farms cultivated by migrants returning to home countries.

Contribute to seed capital for returning migrants to establish greenhouse farms which will be a source of income and nutrition for their families and communities.

Small measures, big impact.


The Twin Star Project extends a helping hand to homeless migrants with legal status in Europe who have fled war or economic hardship in Africa, Asia or the Middle East.
Our goal is to help these migrants find employment and become financially self-reliant in Europe or their countries of origin.
We provide them interim financial assistance to pay rent, buy food and cover essential needs. In parallel, we help them find jobs or kick-start their own businesses.